PD Dr. Peter Varga
AO Research Institute Davos
- Phone
- +41 81 414 25 95
- peter.varga@aofoundation.org
- Postal Address
- Clavadelerstrasse 8
7270 Davos
Peter Varga studied civil engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Then, he worked as a research assistant at the Technical University of Vienna and obtained his PhD in bone biomechanics under the supervision of Prof. Philippe Zysset. This work has been recognised with the “Award of Excellence 2010” of the Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research. Following a postdoctoral year in Vienna, Peter Varga moved to the Julius Wolff Institute at the Charité UM Berlin and joined the research team of Prof. Kay Raum as postdoctoral fellow and principal investigator. In 2014, he changed to the AO Research Institute Davos, where he works as a senior project leader in the Biomedical Development group led by Prof. Boyko Gueorguiev. Peter Varga's research is focused on the biomechanical behaviour and failure of bone and bone-implant constructs and the computer simulation thereof.