Prof. Dr. Thomas Nevian
University of Bern, Department of Physiology
- Phone
- +41 31 684 87 04
- thomas.nevian@unibe.ch
- Postal Address
- Bühlplatz 5
3012 Bern
Thomas Nevian studied Physics and Biophysics at the Universities of Duisburg, Heidelberg, St. Andrews (UK) and Cornell (US). During his PhD at the Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg with Prof. Dr. Bert Sakmann he studied calcium signalling in dendrites and spines of cortical neurons (2003). After two years as a postdoc in the same laboratory he moved to Berne to become a group leader in the Department of Physiology. There he is working on synaptic plasticity of cortical neurons, which is thought to be the basic mechanism for memory formation in neuronal networks. Further, he studies electrical signal integration and information processing in the fine dendritic processes of neurons using novel imaging and electrophysiological techniques. Since 2010 he has been a SNF assistant professor for neurophysiology investigating the cellular mechanisms of chronic pain.