Lukas Bereuter, BME alumnus (2014)
Lukas in the lab

"Today, my activities include medical device development, clinical studies, and entrepreneurial tasks."
Lukas is a Postdoc in the Urogenital Engineering group at the ARTORG Center:
"I did an apprenticeship as an electronics technician and studied mechatronics before I attended the BME program. Now I am working at the ARTORG Center, where I also did my PhD. In the Urogenital Engineering group, we are developing a novel medical device to aid bladder emptying. With the spin-off URODEA, we will bring this product to the market. My activities include medical device development, clinical studies, and entrepreneurial tasks."
What was your academic and professional background prior to your BME Master’s studies?
I did an apprenticeship as electronics technician in the sensor industry and had a Bachelor’s degree in Systems Engineering (mechatronics) from ZHAW.
How did you get interested in biomedical engineering?
Besides technology, I was always fascinated by medicine already since I was a child. For me, biomedical engineering is the perfect combination of fields that I am passionate about.
How did you come to know about the BME Master’s program? Why did you choose this program among others?
Towards the end of my Bachelor's study program, a friend told me that he applied for the BME Master's program. I actually never heard of it before but immediately thought "this is it". The close collaboration with university hospitals and the possibility to choose lectures according to a specific area of specialization (in my case electronic implants) where key to me.
If you worked part-time during your studies: how was this experience?
I worked about 20% as a tutor and during semester holidays I worked as an engineer or did civil service. Like this, I had a bit of income but was also quite flexible and could focus on the studies.
What was your career plan after graduation? Where do you work now and in which position?
Originally, I planned to start a job in the MedTech industry. But after graduation, I had a job offer at the ARTORG Center as a research assistant in a very interesting project. This then transferred into a PhD, which was not my plan originally, but I am very happy that I did it. Today, I still work at the ARTORG center as a PostDoc but in a different research group. We are developing a medical device to aid bladder emptying and are planning to found a spin-off called URODEA to bring this product to the market. My activities include medical device development, clinical studies, and entrepreneurial tasks.
Which competences did you gain during your studies that are useful for your present professional position?
The program provides a good overview of the human anatomy and physiology, while providing the possibility to improve skills in specific technical areas. Combined, this allows for collaboration with doctors and multidisciplinary team members, which is essential in the field of biomedical engineering.
Did you discover anything new about Bern during your studies?
What I like about Bern is that it offers everything that a city offers and at the same time - being not too big - provides close access to nature and the beautiful river Aare. I also like the people and the mood of the city.
Share an anecdote / highlight of your time in the BME Master’s program.
I had a great time throughout the whole program together with my colleagues. A highlight certainly was the Master's thesis at the ARTORG Center, where I could work on an innovative project in a very interdisciplinary team involving doctors and engineers with different backgrounds.