BME Day 2022
Sponsors and exhibitors

The industry, medical doctors, and engineers meet for the Biomedical Engineering Day at the Inselspital in Bern with great success
What a relief! After a virtual BME day in 2021 and a cancellation in 2020 due to the Corona pandemic, the 13th BME day opened its doors to more than 350 interested visitors. The event took place on May 20, 2022 in its usual location, the Auditorium Ettore Rossi at the Inselspital in Bern.
The BME Day is an efficient platform in Switzerland for networking of Master and PhD graduates and Swiss and international medical technology companies. This year's companies introduced themselves through oral presentations and gave insight into their commercial activities and their company philosophies as well as showed their demands on junior employees. Students thus had the opportunity to get to know potential future employers and contact them directly. This was made possible between the sessions in personal conversations and at the exhibitors' booths.
The BME Day offered great opportunities for the Bernese biomedical researchers, too. The ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research and the Bern University of Applied Sciences, a partner within the Master's program, used the possibility of presenting current research projects to the participants. Thereby, this event was a demonstration of scientific achievements, too. Interestingly, current and former master and PhD students play an important role in many of these projects. But that is not all – more and more of the exhibiting companies employ BME alumni who represent their employer's activities. Consequently, over the years, the BME Day has developed into a professional and social platform for former BME students.
Besides company representatives, scientists, researchers, and young academics, many medical doctors participated in this year's event as they had the chance for intensive communication with the biomedical engineers.
One highlight of the day was the successful live surgery by Andreas Häberlin, Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Bern (Inselspital). Illustrative explanations in the auditorium were given by Jens Seiler, from the same department.
Because the traditional graduation ceremony of the Medical Faculty in March 2021 had been cancelled, the BME program decided to organize a brief graduation ceremony for their 2021 graduates; the event took place in the afternoon after the official end of the BME Day. The graduates had already received their diplomas by post, and for this reason, they were solemnly awarded an "Aare bag" – a dry bag typically used for swimming long distances in Bern's river Aare – from the webshop of the University of Bern. After a social get-together with coffee and cake, most participants took advantage of the warm and sunny afternoon and went for a swim in the Aare.
The following awards for excellent academic achievements in the field of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Bern were presented:
- Swiss Engineering Award for the best master's thesis (innovation):
- Aurélien Dorn – COPD-on-Chip: Validation and Technical Development of a Continuous Flow Inhalation Chamber
- Swiss Engineering Award for the best master's thesis (basic science):
- Remo Muri – Personalized Prediction of the Outcome of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
- CCMT Award for the best PhD thesis:
- Narayan Schütz – Towards Pervasive Computing Derived Digital Measures of Health in Ageing
- BME Club Award for the best master's thesis abstract:
- Mario Hersberger – Surface Insulation Resistance Test Method for Implant Encapsulation (1st place)
- Raphael Andonie – Time-Adaptive Algorithms for Low-Power Medical Devices (2nd place)
- Simon Salzmann – Optical Coherence Tomography Assisted Laser Treatment of Retinal Detachments (3rd place)
- RMS Award for the best GPA in the MSc Biomedical Engineering
- Lukas Geisshüsler (GPA 5.71)
BME Day 2022 final program and exhibitors' map
Please open the BME Day 22final program and exhibitors' map here: