Information Events for Prospective Students
Master's Open Days

The next Master’s open days are being held in March 2024.
On March 19 – 21, 2024 the University of Bern will open its doors to interested students. This is a great opportunity to get an insight into the master's program Biomedical Engineering.
The first activity will be an information event on March 20 at 09.45 a.m., followed by a guided tour at 10.30 to the labs of ARTORG Center. In the afternoon, the courses Introduction to Image Analysis and Rehabilitation Technology will welcome interested students on-site. On March 21, you may attend an online information event at 2 p.m.
The program was coordinated with the master’s programs Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Precision Engineering – find an overview here:
For further information and registration visit the official University page:
BFH-TI master's information events

BFH-TI master's information events
Our partner, the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology (BFH-TI) offers one on-site information event on the BME master's program in Biel as well as regular online information sessions.
The following information sessions will be held:
Biomedical Engineering Day

The 15th Biomedical Engineering Day will take place on May 29, 2024
The Biomedical Engineering Day provides an excellent opportunity for future students to get a comprehensive insight into the Biomedical Engineering master's program.