Information Events for Prospective Students

Master's Open Days

The next Master’s open days are being held in March 2024.

On March 19 – 21, 2024 the University of Bern will open its doors to interested students. This is a great opportunity to get an insight into the master's program Biomedical Engineering.

The first activity will be an information event on March 20 at 09.45 a.m., followed by a guided tour at 10.30 to the labs of ARTORG Center. In the afternoon, the courses Introduction to Image Analysis and Rehabilitation Technology will welcome interested students on-site. On March 21, you may attend an online information event at 2 p.m.

The program was coordinated with the master’s programs Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Precision Engineering – find an overview here:

For further information and registration visit the official University page:

BFH-TI master's information events

BFH-TI master's information events

Our partner, the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology (BFH-TI) offers one on-site information event on the BME master's program in Biel as well as regular online information sessions.

Biomedical Engineering Day

The 15th Biomedical Engineering Day will take place on May 29, 2024

The Biomedical Engineering Day provides an excellent opportunity for future students to get a comprehensive insight into the Biomedical Engineering master's program.