Basic Modules

Students are required to take all three Basic Modules. Within each module all the courses are mandatory. The courses of the three Basic Modules add up to 36 ECTS credits.

More information on the Basic Modules


This module provides the students with some of the mathematical background necessary to solve problems in biomedical engineering. Two topics are presented

  • Numerical Methods
  • Medical Statistics

Educational goal

The students will learn to use the tool Mathematical Modeling proficiently and select the correct algorithms and their implementation. The students will understand the basic principles of statistics and will learn to use statistical tools proficiently. The student will know the difference between statistical significance and medical relevance.


Numerical Methods

  • linear systems of equations
  • nonlinear equations
  • finite difference methods
  • tensors: stress and strain
  • calculus of variations

Introduction to Medical Statistics

  • graphical and numerical description of data
  • statistical inference
  • statistical tests

Module description

The fundamental issues in biomedical engineering relate to the generic understanding of materials to be optimized for applications within the human body, diagnosis and therapy by means of highly reliable technical devices and the sophisticated imaging tools for tissue inspection. The module focuses on the physical principles and mathematical approaches so that the acquired generic knowledge can be applied to solve a great variety of problems for the patient’s benefit. Here it is obvious that imaging provides information on materials and biological matter including the interface, different materials are combined in medical devices such as pace makers and acquired signals give feedback to establish relations between function and morphology uncovered by means of imaging techniques.

Module description

Human medicine is naturally based on biological concepts. This module provides the basic knowledge of the biological principles, of the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the organ systems (anatomy and histology), and of the functioning of living systems (physiology), as well as of the medical language (medical terminology). As a goal the students will be enabled to understand medical problems and discuss them at a level of clinical applications and biomedical research. The lectures are part of the curriculum in biology, pharmaceutical sciences and biomedical engineering.