Major Modules

Students are required to select one out of three Major Modules (focus areas) at the end of the first semester. Each module consists of a certain number of mandatory courses (mandatory part) and a wide range of elective courses (elective part). The BME laboratory is an integral part within the mandatory courses in all three Major Modules. The elective part consists of the following components:

In total, 31-46 ECTS credits have to be acquired, depending on the number of courses completed in the modules "Preparation Courses" and “Complementary Skills”.

The responsible lecturers of each Major Module set up a list of recommended elective courses to guide you through the course selection process and to support the development of a sound professional profile. The general elective courses offer a wide range of courses which are of interest for all students.

Note: a so-called First Semester Information Event takes place every year in November. All Major Modules are presented and information on course selections is made available.

More information on the Major Modules


Prof. Dr. Philippe Zysset


Biomechanics is mechanics applied to biological, hybrid and artificial systems that fulfill a physiological function such as pumping of blood, transferring oxygen/carbon dioxide or moving a skeletal segment. Cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal diseases represent major public health problems especially due to the aging demography of our western societies. Cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension are the leading cause of death in the world. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in men worldwide. Musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis, osteoporosis or back pain are the most notorious causes of physical disability, affecting hundreds of millions of people across the planet. Despite growing awareness of these diseases in the past decades, considerable challenges remain to be met to improve their prevention, diagnosis, treatment and associated rehabilitation. These challenges are taken up by interdisciplinary teams of scientists, clinicians and biomedical engineers.

Educational goal

In this module, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of biomechanics and the analytical skills in fluid/gas dynamics and solid mechanics for investigation of biomechanical systems. They will combine engineering and biological theories and techniques to contribute to the resolution of complex problems in biomedical engineering. Students will learn to draw connections between cell/tissue/organ characteristics and mechanical or biological responses, and vice versa. In particular, students will develop the required expertise to apply their knowledge in relevant, clinically-oriented problem solving in the fields of cardiovascular and urogenital engineering, organ-on-chip technologies, rehabilitation, computational bioengineering and musculoskeletal biomechanics.

Module content

The mandatory courses in this module will transmit the fundamental knowledge in fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, microfluidics and computational methods to the students. Elective courses allow the students to extend their competence in several directions, gaining further knowledge in anatomy and physiology (Functional Anatomy of the Locomotor Apparatus, Movement Biomechanics), modeling and computational methods (Dynamical Models, Finite Element Analysis II, Tissue Biomechanics Lab), experimental techniques (Advanced Medical Imaging, Advanced Microscopy) or biological sciences (Osteology, Tissue Engineering Lecture and Practical Course). Elective courses will also deliver the practical knowledge to problems related to human and dental medicine (Design of Biomechanical Systems, Orthopaedic Surgery, Regenerative Dentistry).


Prof. Dr. Volker M. Koch

Educational goal

Electronic implants are devices such as cardiac pacemakers and cochlear implants. Due to miniaturization and other technical developments, many new applications become feasible and therefore this exciting area is growing rapidly. In this module, students will gain a comprehensive technical and application-oriented understanding that will allow them to select, use, design, and optimize electronic implants and similar biomedical systems. Since the work on such complex systems is usually done in interdisciplinary groups, another important goal is that graduates are able to work and communicate in teams consisting of, e.g., engineers, scientists, and medical doctors.

Module content

In this Major Module, mandatory courses will provide the students with a comprehensive technical understanding and a fundamental knowledge in the areas of intelligent implant technology, microelectronics, signal processing and analysis, and wireless communications. Elective courses allow the students to gain further expertise in selected topics such as biomedical acoustics, biomedical sensors, cardiovascular technology, microsystems engineering, neurotechnology, microcontroller programming, and other areas.


This Major Module is open to all students of our master's program. However, typically, students have an engineering-related background, for example, electrical engineering, microtechnology engineering, systems engineering, mechatronics engineering, mechanical engineering, or computer science.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Weber


Image-Guided Therapy refers to the concept of guiding medical procedures and interventions through perceiving and viewing of medical image data, possibly extended by using stereotactic tracking systems. Medical imaging typically relates to a great variety of modalities ranging from 2D fluoroscopy and ultrasound to 3D computed tomography and magnet resonance imaging, possibly extended to complex 4D time series and enhanced with functional information (PET, SPECT). Guidance is realized by various means of determination of spatial instrument-to-patient relationship and by suitable visualizations. Image guidance is very often accompanied by other surgical technologies such as surgical robotics, sensor enhanced instrument systems as well as information and communication technology.

Educational goal

Students of the IGT module will be introduced to the fundamentals of the above mentioned clinical and technical aspects of image-guided therapy. They will receive an overview of currently applied clinical standards as well as an overview of latest advancements in research. Successful students will be able to develop novel clinic-technological applications for complex medical procedures as well as improve existing approaches to IGT. This will enable further careers both in the industrial and academic sector.

Module content

Mandatory courses of this module are concerned with the fundamentals of Signal and Image Processing and Medical Image Analysis. Furthermore, fundamental aspects of stereotactic image guidance, tracking, patient-to-image registration and basic clinical applications are taught in the course Computer-Assisted Surgery. Recent trends and fundamental aspects in surgical robot technology, minimally-invasive procedures and its applications within IGT are introduced in the course Medical Robotics.
Additional elective courses extend students competencies in related areas such as Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning.