Student Tools and Work Aids

Student life not only means attending courses and passing exams - it is almost equally important to handle several administrative and IT tools in the appropriate way. In the sections "CTS/KSL" and "Ilias" we describe the most important systems for course and exam registration as well as the download of course materials with regard to the master's program Biomedical Engineering. A comprehensive overview of all central systems at the University of Bern can be found on the university's official page:

Students register online for all BME courses and exams in the Core Teaching System (CTS) (in German: Kernsystem Lehre = KSL).

CTS/KSL: general information

To access the course and exam registration tools in CTS/KSL, students must have a campus account which will not be active before full enrollment. Therefore, applicants should contribute to a smooth registration procedure by handing in all required documents and paying the tuition fee as quickly as possible. The admissions office will assist them during this process.

The document below provides the necessary information to register for BME courses and exams.

Selection of Major Modules and courses in CTS/KSL

Students are required to select one of the program's three Major Modules at the end of their first semester. Moreover, they have to set up their individual study plan by choosing from a variety of elective courses. Read more in the document below.

CTS/KSL before master's thesis and graduation

Before the start of the master's thesis as well as before graduation, students should check if they need to make adaptations in their CTS study profile. The document below tells you what to do.

Most lecturers of the Biomedical Engineering master's program use an E-learning platform called “Ilias” to distribute their course material. The use of Ilias in the BME master's program is described in the document below.

We strongly recommend all Biomedical Engineering students to order an Insel badge (ID card) to access a number of facilities at the University Hospital Bern (Inselspital) and the ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research. This badge is necessary for all students that attend courses or conduct a master's thesis at the ARTORG center. Once a year, the BME study coordination will contact all students to give them the opportunity to order the Insel badge.