Master's Thesis

Research is moving at a fast pace. Students in the program will participate in challenging research activities, especially during the final phase of their studies. In accordance with their supervisors students select a topic for their master's thesis. Usually the student will conduct thesis research and prepare the thesis during a time frame of up to six months (30 ECTS credits).

Through the teaching faculty's and staff's home institutions (academic and industrial) we are proud to provide a large network of possible places, national and international, to conduct research on an individually suited topic.

Thesis topics on ILIAS

Enrolled students in the Biomedical Engineering program will find all current and former thesis projects, as well as all important information on the application process, on the university’s E-learning platform ILIAS. Follow the link to the folder "Master's Thesis" and log in with your campus account. Then join the course "Master's Thesis". Contact the BME study coordination for further information.

Master's Thesis Presentations

Before graduation, students have to give a talk on their thesis project. Interested persons are cordially invited to attend the thesis presentation which will take place online. For access contact

My Thesis in 180 seconds – Videos

Former Thesis Presentations